Assessing Authorities
There are various bodies that assess various occupations. Assessing bodies verify your level of education in your occupation and ensure your qualifications meet with Australian standards.
Once you have passed or received a ‘positive’ occupation assessment you may proceed with an application for skilled migration to Australia, providing of course, you meet the Basic Requirements and pass the Points Test.
- AACA – Architects Accreditation Council of Australia
This council assesses Architects.
- AASW – Australian Association of Social Workers
This authority assesses Social Workers.
- ACS – Australian Computer Society
This authority assesses computer professionals like Programmers, System Designers and System Mangers etc. Refer to the SOL for more occupations.
- ACOPRA – Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities, Inc.
This authority assesses Physiotherapists.
- ADC – Australian Dental Council
This authority assesses Dentists and Dental Specialists.
- AIM – Australian Institute of Management
This authority assesses Managers and Administrators. Refer to the SOL for a complete list.
- AIMS – Australian Institute of Medical Scientists
The institute assesses the qualifications of overseas trained medical scientists.
- AIQS – Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
This authority assesses Quantity Surveyors.
- AIR – Australian Institute of Radiography
This authority assesses Radiographers.
- AIWCW – Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers
This authority assesses Welfare Workers.
- AMC – Australian Medical Council
This authority assesses Medical professionals.
- AMSA – Australian Maritime Safety Authority
This authority assess Seafarers.
- ANMC – Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council
This authority assesses Registered Nurses, Midwifes, Mental Health and Developmental Disability Nurses.
- APC – Australian Podiatry Council
This authority assesses Podiatrists.
- APEC – Australian Pharmacy Examining Council
This authority assesses Pharmacists.
- APS – Australian Psychological Society
This authority assesses Psychologists.
- ASCPA – Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants
Along with the CPAA and ICAA, this authority assesses Accountants.
- CASA – Civil Aviation Authority
This authority assesses Pilots.
- CPAA – Certified Practising Accountants of Australia
This authority assesses Accounting professionals and external Auditors.
- DAA – Dieticians Association of Australia
This authority assesses Dieticians.
- ICAA – Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia
Along with the CPAA and ICAA, this authority assesses Accountants.
- IEA – Institution of Engineers, Australia
This authority assesses Professional Engineers.
- ISA – Institution of Surveyors, Australia
This authority assesses Surveyors.
- NAATI – National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.
This authority assesses Translators and Interpreters.
- Teaching Australia – Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
This authority assesses Teachers.
- OCANZ – Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand
This authority assesses Optometrists.
- SLAA – State Legal Admission Authority
This authority assesses Barristers and Solicitors.
- SPAA – Speech Pathology Association of Australia
This authority assesses Speech Pathologists.
- TRA – Trades Recognition Australia
This authority assesses all Trades. Refer to the SOL for further details.
- VETASSESS – Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services
This Authority assesses a variety of Managers, Professionals and Associate Professionals. Refer to the SOL for further details.